Crafting the Perfect Coffee Martini: A Refreshing Twist on a Classic Recipe

There’s nothing better than coffee after a tasty dinner. Right? Perhaps an alcoholic element to it can help, like a coffee martini?

We’re still missing something. Well, how about a cold brew martini?

A traditional coffee martini is an espresso martini, but that’s the old way of doing this. Cold brew is a new, fun approach to this distinct cocktail.

So, if you want an innovative cocktail that is rich and filled with coffee flavors, all while being a twist on the classic coffee vodka drinks, look no further!

The Cold Brew Revolution: Meeting the Needs of Modern Coffee Lovers

Cold brew is the new wave in coffee extraction, and it’s not even close to as complicated to make as it used to be.

Cold-brew coffee is a method of making coffee that requires coffee to be grounded and left to sit in cold water, only to be extracted later.

We want to show you how easy it is to use this cold brew to make a delicious and fun cocktail made of cold brew coffee and vodka.

And it’s not just those two ingredients. You can add anything you like to it. With so many recipes to choose from, there is something for everyone!

The cold brew allows for a lot of experimentation. We’ve seen some wild cocktails with Jägermeister, or you can remain traditional with Kahlua and make a tasty creamy espresso martini.

Let’s take a quick look at our favorite cold-brew coffee martini recipe.

A Classic: The Vodka Coffee Martini

The vodka coffee martini is an excellent, smooth, rich, and velvety cocktail you should try!

This section will give you a rundown on how you can make this beautiful drink.


- Coffee (Preferably cold brew)

- 0.30 ml Vodka (Absolute is a great choice)

- 0.15 ml Coffee liqueur (commonly Kahlua, but we offer more options further down in the article)

- 0.15 ml Irish cream (Baileys is perfect)

- Ground up coffee beans and sugar for the rim

How to make a vodka coffee martini:

1. The Brew

If you want to make this traditional drink first, you’ll need a cold brew.

To make it, start by coarsely grinding your preferred coffee beans. Next, set up a toddy system, adding a small amount of water to dampen the filter.

Layer the ground coffee within the filter and slowly pour water over it. Allow the mixture to steep for 12 hours.

Any other brewing method is fine.

2. Decorate the Glass

Ground up coffee beans and mix them with sugar. Slightly wet the glass rim, dip it and roll it gently in the mix.

You should be left with the perfect coffee rim.

3. Mixing the Martini

Add all the ingredients into a shaker with ice. Add the cold brew coffee, vodka, coffee liqueur, and Irish cream.

If you are using a Brood machine for nitro infusion, don’t use ice when you mix!

Shake for 15-20 seconds.

4. Serve

You can serve the drink by running it directly into a glass through a strainer.

Or, if you’re using one of our machines, simply connect it to the machine and serve with a nitro pour.

Cold Brew Coffee Martini: A Unique Blend of Flavors and Creativity

If you read our previous cold brew cocktails recipe, you might have noticed one thing.

It’s not as simple as making it, waiting, mixing it, and enjoying it. You need to cool the beverage to get the desired flavor of a cold brew.

Getting the beverage cold is the biggest problem with cold brew. It requires bulky nitrogen tanks, space, and a budget for maintenance. It’s just a big headache to set up.

But it doesn’t have to be!

Here at Brood, we’ve manufactured three cutting-edge machines that are compact, stylish, and easy to use.

So, let’s take a look.

1. DRNX Espresso Martini Machine

Price: $ 3,995.00

First, we have the DRNX espresso martini machine.

This innovative product is at the forefront of our lineup. It’s a great quality machine featuring a nitro tap system that can infuse any drink with nitrogen from the air to cool it to a perfect 2 degrees.

It’s perfect for a martini, tea, coffee, or a cold brew cocktail.


Price: $ 5,995.00

The DRNX DUO is very similar to the classic DRNX, but it can be twice as fast. It has two taps instead of one, and they are both adjustable to be still or nitro, depending on what you need.

This machine makes getting the nitro drink you want more accessible, simpler, and faster with a pull on the lever.


Price: $ 4,495.00

The DRNX BRW is possibly the best lineup if you’re a smaller operation. Not only does it provide the same benefits as the other two machines, but it can also brew your coffee for you!

The Allure of Cold Brew Coffee Martinis

Cold brewing by itself is not that difficult to do. It’s a simple process. Getting it right is the hard part. You need to follow a strict process to ensure that the concentrate is up to par for your coffee martini.

Crafting the Perfect Cold Brew Concentrate

First, you ground up your favorite coffee and let it sit in water. The mix is made up of 170 grams of your favorite graded coffee beans and 830 ml of cold water. Now let it sit for 12 hours at room temperature, or you can refrigerate it for 24. Next, you simply drain the coffee through a cheesecloth and enjoy. But what if you want something more fun? You can add nitrogen into the mix to make nitro coffee! Nitro coffee is a cold brew coffee infused with nitrogen. Our machines are the perfect way to add nitro to your cold brew and get a beautiful creamy cascading effect. For a coffee martini, they are even more useful!

Cold Brew vs. Traditional Espresso Martinis

If you need the perfect coffee martini, you should know what kind of drink you want. 

So, let’s give a short comparison between the two to help you choose.

Cold Brew Martini: 

Smoother with a less acidic taste.

More mellow.

Subtly sweet flavor.

Silkier or smoother taste.

Traditional Espresso Martini:

A bolder coffee flavor.

Denser than cold brew.

Quicker to prepare. 

What makes cold brew nitro coffee better?

Cold brew nitro is our choice simply because of the variety. A very big benefit of nitro coffee is the milder flavor; there is a lot of room for mixological experimentation. For example, technically, you could add pumpkin extract to a regular cold brew coffee.

But with our machines, you can make an excellent pumpkin spice espresso martini, which is a cold and perfect refreshment.

The Science Behind Cold Brew Extraction

We said that cold brew is better for those who want a smoother, less acidic taste. But why is cold brew even like this? What gives it that almost sweet taste? It all has to do with the extraction. With cold brew, the lower temperature during extraction reduces the amount of oils and fatty acids, the exact things that make coffee bitter. Another thing that can play a role in flavor is the size of the grind. The finer the grind, the more flavor released.

finishing a coffee martini

Essential Tips for Making the Best Cold Brew Coffee Martini

We know cold brewing isn’t that common and might be new to many people. However, rest assured that it is not nearly as complicated to do as you might first think. It requires some precision, as there is much room for error. That’s why we’ve made this section to give you tips on how to make the best mix for your coffee vodka drinks.

Choosing the Right Coffee Liqueur

The most important element of your cocktail is the coffee liqueur and vodka you use. 9 times out of 10, the vodka won't make a difference (Unless you’re using flavored vodka).

So, we’ll talk about our favorite coffee liqueurs and how they affect the taste of your cold brew martini.

1. Kahlua

Kahlua is a trademarked coffee liqueur made by the Pernod Ricard Corporation in Veracruz, Mexico. Rum, sugar, and coffee from arabica are the main ingredients.

It is known for its robust sweetness, caramel-like flavor, and slightly syrupy profile. For those who want a sweeter taste, Kahlua can be the perfect choice.

2. Tia Maria

Tia Maria is a dark coffee liqueur made in Italy from Jamaican coffee beans. Coffee beans, vanilla, Jamaican rum, and sugar are the key components, and the mixture is diluted to a 20% alcohol level.

Tia Maria offers hints of vanilla, therefore adding depth and a smoother character to the cold brew martini.

3. Mr. Black

Australia is the home of Mr. Black Cold Press Coffee Liqueur. It has only two components: Australian grain spirit and high-quality Arabica coffee beans all the way from Papua New Guinea, Kenya, and even from El Salvador.

Powerful and assertive without being overly bitter, this is great with ice or Espresso Martini.

Mr black is an intense coffee flavor, adding a rich, strong coffee essence and depth to your cocktail.

4. Patron XO Café

Patron XO Cafe Coffee Liqueur offers an exceptional combination of Patron Silver tequila with the genuine flavor of quality coffee. In contrast to most low-proof coffee liqueurs featuring chocolate and vanilla undertones, this one has a dry taste.

For tequila lovers, it’s the perfect ingredient in a tequila espresso martini!

Complexity of the Mix

Mastering the art of mixing coffee and vodka is very important. Achieving this quality blend of bold flavors requires a lot of precision and expertise. Balancing the strength of the vodka with the delicate nuances of coffee is the secret to a successful cold brew martini creation.

Precision in Cocktail Crafting

Crafting the ideal cold brew martini heavily relies on precision. Even the slightest errors in measurements or ingredient choices can remarkably alter the final product's taste. Understanding why it's crucial to pay close attention to every detail to ensure a consistent and delightful cold brew martini.

Exploring Cold Brew Coffee Cocktails: Beyond the Martini

You’ve probably thought a nitro-infused martini is not all that cold brew coffee can be used for, and you're right. It’s not! We know that you want to try out different things, but that doesn’t always work out. 

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Let’s look at some of our favorite coffee vodka drink's recipes apart from the martini, which also tastes fantastic.

London Fog: A Delight All Year Round

It may not be a coffee martini, but it sure is delightful!

First, bring 2 liters of water to a boil, then add the remaining 2.5 liters of cold water and the 2.5 cups of loose Earl Grey tea.

Mix well, then set aside for 2-6 hours in the refrigerator. Stir in the maple syrup right before serving after it has cooled.

The Classic Old Fashioned

Grate the oranges' peel using a fine grater, being careful not to include the bitter pith.

Coffee beans, coarsely ground to taste. Soak a coffee filter in water for a few minutes before using it in your preferred cold maker, then layer the coffee grounds, water, and grounds again.

To ensure consistent saturation, add shredded orange peel and stir. Coffee's flavor is at its peak after steeping for 12 to 24 hours.

This classic goes to show you that a coffee cocktail isn't the only way to make an old-fashioned.

A Creamy Delight: The Matcha Latte

For your not so typical virgin coffee cocktail, begin by adding clean matcha powder to hot water and mix well, allowing optimal dissolving (see instructions on your matcha green tea container). Allow this blend to cool down. When it's safe to touch, strain it through a small sieve and then a kitchen towel to remove any remaining particles. Mix in some maple syrup and chilled milk of your choosing and serve.

Cold Brew Coffee Spritzer

The cold brew coffee spritzer, as one of many virgin cold brew cocktails, can be interpreted in many ways.

Cold Brew Tonic Spritz

Incorporating Cold Brew Coffee, a dash of Espresso, Tonic Water, and a hint of Simple Syrup, this variation adds a sophisticated twist to the classic spritzer.

Sparkling Cold Brew Delight

A fusion of Cold Brew Coffee, Sparkling Water, Creamy Coconut Milk, and a touch of Lime, creating a refreshing and tropical-inspired spritzer.

Personalized Creations

Encouraging experimentation by suggesting the opportunity to explore unique variations or transform the drink according to individual preferences and tastes.

Note: Our machines shouldn’t be used to infuse nitrogen into carbonated beverages!

Why Cold Brew Coffee Martinis are Perfect for Your Café

Producing quality cold brew is time-consuming as it is. You must constantly replace big canisters, buy new ones, change them, and pay for maintenance. It’s just a headache, enough as is.

But with our machines, you instantly add a much more efficient, market-friendly product to your menu!

Let’s see why adding a cold brew vodka coffee martini can be perfect for your café or business.

Great Marketability and Opportunity for Promotion

Today, everything is about marketing, and if you add an interesting Instagram-worthy item to your business, you are basically giving yourself the chance to advertise easily.

Think about it! First, you can market the product on your own Instagram page. All you need is a couple of people to order it, and we promise you they'll be impressed.

Once they see the beautiful coffee cocktail, they’ll post it and create a loop for promotion for your business.

Better Looking Menu

You don’t necessarily need a very big menu to make it look nice, but having a diverse menu can be good for your business.

A cold brew adaptation can be a fun new thing for your customers to try out.

Just imagine the boring espresso cocktails where your coffee martini sits can get a great addition.

Hassle-Free Cold Brew Production

Cold brew production often faces various challenges, such as labor-intensive brewing processes, inconsistent quality due to human error, and time-consuming preparation methods. Our innovative machines address these issues by offering easy nitro infusion without nitrogen tanks. These machines ensure a user-friendly, straightforward production method, enabling you to make the best cold brew cocktails and coffee martinis.

Cost-Efficiency and Sustainability

Many cold brew cafe owners don’t jump at the idea of cold brew nitro coffee because it’s not that cheap. The tanks are expensive and so are the storage and the whole setup. Not to mention the cost of maintaining the setup.

Our machines eliminate the need for these nitrogen tanks and make the whole process a lot cheaper for you and your business. They also don’t need nearly as much maintenance as the traditional setup.

We give you a quality machine that is durable and made from the best stainless steel metals, giving you access to a cost-effective and, more importantly, profitable way to make an incredible coffee martini!

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Crafting the Ultimate Cold Brew Coffee Martini Experience

The amount of recipes for the coffee martinis is a lot, to say the least. Let’s see various tempting possibilities, from some that you might have already tried or thought of to the original to fun ones which you should try, such as a cool ice-cold brew martini that puts a new spin on an old favorite.

Flavored Cold Brew Coffee Martinis

Discover a delicious new way to enjoy martinis by browsing the following collection of recipes for drinks made with cold-brew coffee.

Enjoy the delicious sweetness of caramel, get lost in the appeal of hazelnuts, or come in touch with the season with the help of spices.

Experiment with these enticing additions to create a coffee martini that is uniquely yours and is perfect for your taste buds!

Iced Cold Brew Coffee Martinis

Cold brew coffee and vodka are blended to perfection in iced cold brew coffee martinis, the perfect drink for warm weather or celebrations in the great outdoors. This inventive spin on the classic martini recipe is perfect for sipping in warm weather, since it eliminates the need for ice.

Serving Cold Brew Coffee Martinis: Aesthetic and Practical Considerations

Choosing the Right Glassware

The presentation of a coffee cocktail may be boosted by carefully selecting glassware that highlights its distinctive qualities.

Best Choices: Martini Glasses, Rocks Glasses, or Stemless Wine Glasses

Creative Garnishes

The visual appeal of cold brew coffee martinis may be amplified with the addition of imaginative garnishes like edible flowers, colorful sugar rims, or citrus peels.

Best Choices: Citrus peels, a single coffee bean, or a few beans.

Presentation Techniques

Create cold-brew coffee martinis with stunning layers of flavor and texture by playing around with different ingredients for a photo-worthy look. With our machines, getting the desired effect is much simpler.


The coffee martini scene has seen growth, with the introduction of cold brew cocktails. There is now an array of options, including flavored variations and iced versions.

Brood's advanced machinery has revolutionized brew production, making it easier, superior, and more eco-friendly. Crafting the cold brew martini demands both flair and scientific precision, taking into account everything, from the choice of glasses to the garnish.

Enhance your coffee martini expertise by incorporating originality, diversity, and meticulousness.


Chocolate Espresso Martini Recipe


The Ultimate Guide to Nitro Infuser: Making the Perfect Cold Brew